Investment Case
Quick Summary
We all get too many messages.
Tela is a new messaging app in which every message pays you.
Use Tela to offer a priority contact link for easy consulting.
The message fee eliminates all spam.
To invest in Tela, go to:
Company Data
The Investment Case for Tela
1 | Pain Point: Business Communication
30% of work time is spent on messaging & email.
The distraction and time loss is a significant productivity pain point.
2 | Value Proposition: Spam Elimination
If a message has to pay a fee, spam is eliminated.​
3 | Value Proposition: Noise Reduction
Most business communication is unnecessary. It could be summarised, or not sent at all.
Free utilities are over-used.
People send too many messages because there is no charge to do so.
However, messages are not free to read. They cost effort and concentration.
Unnecessary messages have a heavy cumulative cost in the time and attention of those who can least afford it.
4 | Value Proposition: Simple Consulting
Most experts & knowledge workers are not available to the public or even to each other, because the cost of dealing with an endless stream of unpaid messages is very high.
A message fee immediately unlocks simple, easy consulting from those whose opinions are most useful.